The specialist lender's buy-to-let brand, 'Solutions by Foundation' is aiming its latest products at landlords with properties which are slightly more complex than a normal HMO.
The percentage of buy-to-let business taken up by houses in multiple occupation is steadily growing, as more landlords look to diversify their portfolios.
To date, a total of 46 fines amounting to over £250,000.00 have been issued to landlords who have failed to license their houses in multiple occupation.
Finding a ready-made HMO for sale in the capital can prove more than challenging, as they rarely come up for sale, meaning investors likely need to convert a residential home into an...
While the average HMO conversion cost may come in at as much as £41,000, it could prove a worthwhile investment in the long run, according to new research.
Richard O’Neill, Regional Lettings Director at Romans Estate Agents, looks at the rise in popularity of HMOs and the things you'll need to consider if you’re thinking of...
Landlords across the borough of Haringey have been issued with fines amounting to £207,500 after failing to license their houses in multiple occupation.