Paul Offley, Compliance Officer at The Guild of Property Professionals, explores what estate agents should consider if they are presented with a Power of Attorney.
There is no doubt that the introduction of the Renters Rights Bill for letting agents in England has been one of the biggest changes to the sector for quite some time.
The right to erasure, also referred to as the right to be forgotten, is a data protection right that allows individuals to request the deletion of personal data.
The total value of fines for non-compliance with licensing schemes in London has approached £900,000 this year alone, according to licensing compliance experts, Kamma.
Deborah Matthews, managing director of MRI Living for Social Housing at MRI Software, explores how social housing landlords can leverage data to comply with the new Social Housing...
The Open Property Data Association has released a new version of its property data standards framework to help letting agents comply with new guidance.
It is estimated that there are still over 19,000 commercial buildings with non-compliant EPCs rated F or G despite the new Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards taking effect in April of...