Following two surveys of letting and managing agents, new guidance has been published by The Property Ombudsman to help agents, landlords and tenants deal with condensation, damp and...
Allison Thompson, National Lettings Managing Director at Leaders Romans Group examines the new DHULC guidance which clarifies landlords' responsibilities regarding damp and mould.
Half of UK renters are living with a disrepair issue such as damp, mould, or electrical hazards, according to a new study by law firm Hodge Jones & Allen.
Landlords and letting agents must monitor properties more closely and combine regular inspections and proactive ventilation in addition to providing greater levels of education to...
Those with damp and mould in their homes are more likely to suffer from respiratory problems, infections, allergies, and asthma. Damp and mould are more likely to affect babies and...
The tragic case of two-year-old Awaab Ishak who died in 2020, just eight days after his second birthday, as a direct result of black mould in the flat he lived in, brought into sharp...