The government has introduced three ‘Golden Rules’ that should be made where residential development is proposed within the green belt, concerning affordability,...
Labour’s introduction of the grey belt could help bring a significant boost to social housing stock levels across England, according to new planning and development research.
Planning applications that were previously rejected due to being located on green belt land could hold the key to unlocking thousands of much-needed homes.
There are currently an estimated 30,597 grey belt sites across England, enough to deliver 3.4m homes to the market if developed, according to data released by Searchland.
William Nichols, regional director at Lanpro, explores the new Government's new affordable housing targets and how the so-called Grey Belt might be defined, where it exists and how...
Paul Davis, co-founder of property intelligence platform Nimbus, shares his insight and has analysed the data to try and add substance to the grey belt argument.