New research suggests that first-time buyers could get on the property ladder nearly four and a half years sooner if they chose to live with their parents rather than going it alone in...
Pete Mugleston, MD at Online Mortgage Advisor explores the pros and cons of having a mortgage over renting and looks at which options might benefit you the most.
New analysis from Hamptons shows that low-deposit mortgage guarantee schemes are struggling to help renters become homeowners when interest rates are high.
Renting has been found to adversely impact a large proportion of tenants, affecting their quality of life and hopes for the future, as well as raising their stress levels beyond that...
Finding a pet-friendly rental property can be a challenge - and the location can make a huge difference, research from CIA Landlords Insurance has shown.
Despite 1 in 5 people across the UK privately renting and 44.16% in fixed-tenancy agreements, a recent survey has found that 14% of UK renters are unaware of what type of tenancy...