Labour pledge to get 1.5m more to own their own home

Delivering his speech at the Labour party conference in Liverpool, Keir Starmer declared his party “the party of home ownership” and pledged to get 1.5 million more people onto the housing ladder.

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Property Reporter
29th September 2022
Kier Starmer 123

Starmer revealed that Labour would set a target of 70% home ownership, up from the current 65% and said that under the Conservative government, “the dream of owning your own home is slipping away for too many.”

He continued: “That’s a political choice. Because if you keep inflating demand without increasing supply house prices will only rise. And homes become less affordable for working people.”

First-time buyers would be a priority according to Stamer, who said that he would help “real” first-time buyers onto the housing ladder through a new mortgage guarantee scheme. Under Labour, buy-to-let-landlords and second home owners would be stopped “getting in first”.

Planning would also be reformed, Starmer stated, “so speculators can’t stop communities getting shovels in the ground”.

The Labour leader said: “My message is this - if you’re grafting every hour to buy your own home Labour is on your side,” Starmer said. “Labour is the party of home ownership in Britain today.”

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