The marketing strategy steps every agent should be making

There are letting agents out there who have 100 leads coming in every single week. And there are letting agents receiving 4 or 5 leads a week.

Related topics:  Business
Sally Lawson | Agent Rainmaker
14th January 2022
Sally Lawson 723

One set of agents has implemented a systemised and consistent marketing strategy, and the other hasn’t – and it doesn’t take a genius to work out which is which.

Yet despite the very obvious (and countless) benefits of successful marketing, there are only a handful getting it right – in the region of 5 to 10%. The other 90% either haven’t considered marketing at all or aren’t providing consistent and exciting content in the right places to target their ideal audience.

While there are many considerations when putting together a new strategy or refining your existing marketing plan, there are some simple rules to get you on your way:

Consistency is key

How often you share content with your audience will vary depending on which platforms you choose to use – but consistency is vital. There’s no use planning to post multiple times a day if you won’t be able to keep that up going forward – you’ll simply drop so far down people’s timelines (and so far towards the back of their minds) that interest levels will be minimal if and when you post again.

On the contrary, if people know when to expect your content (and you also schedule in time to engage with your audience) then you become a reliable source of information, or entertainment, or maybe even both.

Be a scroll stopper

Every single minute, there are around 300,000 Facebook statuses posted, 1,000 Instagram photos uploaded, and 500 hours of video added to YouTube.

So, how are you going to stop your audience from simply scrolling straight past your content? Whether you provide entertainment value, share attention-grabbing imagery, invite meaningful engagement, or inform in a relatable manner – you have to stand out from the crowd.

Multi-channel and multi-angle

In the good old days, you might have been able to get away with simply engaging the traditional printed media. But now, there are a variety of channels through which you can share your message. And it’s not just about finding the right channels for you (for example, are the landlords you’re targeting fans of Facebook or will you find them if you start trending on Tiktok?), it’s also about varying the way in which you present your content: long-form articles, short and snappy statuses, videos, blogs, there are so many different options.

Consider your audiences

A would-be investor landlord might be looking for some advice on avoiding pitfalls when it comes to choosing their first properties, while someone who’s already set up and running might want to know how to deal with a difficult tenant. So, it’s not only about considering which channels you can use to get yourself in front of the right audience, but also what kind of content will be of most value to them.

Automate processes

Automating your content and advertising schedules will save time – but the most successful marketing strategies will also include automation of the sales and conversion process too. Having multiple automated funnels operating at the same time enables you to reach different types of landlords, bringing in more leads on a consistent basis.

Because the entire aim of your marketing strategy is to generate interest in your agency, so you must include data capture and lead conversion within your plan. Otherwise, all that effort is in vain.

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