Suzanne Tucker, head of planning at Midlands law firm FBC Manby Bowdler shares insight on what developers with farm plots need to know about the potential new rules.
Landlords who hoped that 2024 might arrive with more balance in the reporting of property rental issues are already reeling from another attack, according to LegalforLandlords.
Lloyd Davies, founder and Managing director of Convey Law and Chairman of the Conveyancing Foundation, reflects on a difficult but at times inspiring year for the conveyancing industry...
To date, a total of 46 fines amounting to over £250,000.00 have been issued to landlords who have failed to license their houses in multiple occupation.
Harry Wilshaw, Solicitor at Lewis Denley, looks at the process of negotiating a commercial lease and highlights some of the components that tend to cause the most problems or get...
Following the publication of its Digital Conveyancing Protocol and the introduction of the FCA’s Consumer Duty rules, the conveyancing industry trade body has announced an update...
Linda Kirk, Head of Residential Conveyancing, Adkirk Law, explains how, despite widespread criticism, backtracking on overhauling the leasehold system is actually a smart move from the...
Landlords across the borough of Haringey have been issued with fines amounting to £207,500 after failing to license their houses in multiple occupation.
Family law expert Jacqueline Major looks at cohabiting and your rights with regard to your home following a break up revealing risks which many couples are not aware of.