With cost of living increases impacting homeowners, landlords and tenants, are the 44,130 vacant houses across cities in England a bigger issue than we think?
An increasing number of people are looking at small-scale property development projects as a way of generating serious amounts of cash. But what’s involved in taking on a...
We are seeing a growing number of enquiries and applications from landlords buying homes in multiple occupation (HMOs) but landlords need to be aware of local authority licensing...
The current post-pandemic climate is a petri dish for doubt. Uncertainty is driving the UK housing market to extremes, which is affecting every element, from first time purchasers...
We are all acutely aware of the surge in demand for rental properties in and around the capital in the months since the Coronavirus restrictions lifted.
Homesellers could be left with a particularly sweet taste in their mouth this Shrove Tuesday, should they be looking to sell across one of the nation’s flipping brilliant...
The last 18 months have been tumultuous time for the entire economy, yet the resilience of the property market during the pandemic has been nothing short of impressive. The recurring...