A large majority of estate agents believe that the government has put too much emphasis on letting sector reform and not enough focus on boosting the housing market, according to a new...
Tom Bill, head of UK residential research at Knight Frank looks at what has been happening in the UK property market this month during the run-up to next week's Autumn Statement.
Mitchell Walsh, CEO at Integritas Property Group explores what the Autumn Statement is likely to have in store and uncovers what it means for the UK property market.
Duncan Powell MRTPI, Group Planning Director at Acorn Property Group, looks back at the Autumn Statement and how politics and the planning system are holding back SME developers.
Property investment expert Abi Hookway of Redmayne Smith looks at four ways the Autumn Statement could affect or impact the property investment market.
Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has ended weeks of rumours and delivered his "Autumn Statement for Growth", much to the disappointment of the UK housing industry.
With previous Budgets and Autumn Statements over the past few years largely ignoring the housing sector and offering nothing meaningful for first-time-buyers, homeowners or landlords,...
Ahead of Wednesday's Autumn Statement, Neil Cobbold of PayProp UK looks at some of the measures the Chancellor could introduce to strengthen support for both tenants and landlords.