Chancellor Rachel Reeves is delivering her first budget for the new Labour government and has revealed highly anticipated changes to Capital Gains Tax.
Rumoured changes to capital gains tax in the upcoming Autumn Budget could see the average landlord hit by a substantial increase in the capital gains tax owed on the average buy-to-let...
Members from The Guild of Property Professionals explore the potential impact on landlords and tenants should anticipated reforms and changes to tax laws come into effect.
Rumours surrounding changes to CGT and what might happen once the Renters Rights Bill comes into force have caused many landlords to think about selling their rental properties.
Despite another disappointing budget for the property market, the announced reduction in capital gains tax from the current threshold of 28% to 24% will see average landlords save over...
For the first time in 15 years, the UK is now paying more in CGT than in Stamp Duty. New research looks at how the changes to CGT are impacting property investment.
Following the Autumn Statement last year, it was announced that personal allowances linked to Capital Gains Tax will reduce over the next two years. Property group, Beresfords, looks...
Andrew Parker, Auctioneer and Managing Director at SDL Property Auctions, offers his take on the changes, with advice on how to sell quickly before the end of March too.