"2024 is proving to be a terrific year for auctioning in general, with this option becoming very popular for both buyers and sellers"
- Richard Worrall - Network Auctions
According to the latest figures released by Network Auctions, they have listed 49% more lots this year compared to the same period in 2023. This translated into a 45% uplift in the amount raised over their two auctions in February and March 2024 compared to the same period in 2023.
Furthermore, the firm has achieved an 84% sales rate across both sales, with their last event achieving £5.4 million worth of sales alone.
Richard Worrall, NAVA Propertymark President, and auctioneer at Network Auctions said: “2024 is proving to be a terrific year for auctioning in general, with this option becoming very popular for both buyers and sellers.
"With Network Auctions witnessing a boost in sales, this shows that we are delivering excellent customer service to those who choose to use our business. It also makes a difference if the auctioneer a consumer uses is NAVA Propertymark certified, as you will then know that the auctioneer will behave to a higher ethical standard than the law expects.
"Make sure that when you are choosing an auctioneer that they are NAVA Propertymark certified.”